New Delhi: Anna Hazare on Saturday wrote a fresh letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, saying doubts have arisen over whether Lokpal Bill will be passed by December 23 when Parliament session gets over and threatened to go ahead with his proposed fast and 'jail bharo' agitation. In a four-page letter, he alleged that the government's behaviour was "not at all right" and asked why Singh changed his stand on Citizens' Charter despite giving a written assurance that it will be part of the Lokpal bill.
He said in the past few months, Singh was giving him assurances through letters that a strong Lokpal Bill will be passed in the Winter Session of Parliament. Hazare said in the last one year, the government has given a lot of assurances on Lokpal Bill but every time they have betrayed the countrymen.
"We suspended all our agitations till Winter Session taking your word on face value. Reports published in media now says that the Winter Session will end on December 23. Will the Lokpal Bill be passed by then. We have doubts on this," he said. "Despite your promises, if a strong, independent and effective bill is not passed in the session, I will be forced to sit on a fast from December 27. Jail Bharo agitation will start from December 30," he said.
Demanding bringing CBI'a anti-corruption wing under Lokpal and make it its investigative agency, he said it appeared that no government wants to give away the control over CBI for political reasons. "Does it mean that Lokpal will not have an investigative agency. Without an investigative agency what will it do? Then it is better that we don't need a Lokpal," he said alleging irrespective of Congress or BJP, CBI was misused.
The activist also pointed out the Parliamentary Standing Committee recommendations on appointment of search and selection committee for Lokpal were fraught with deficiencies as politicians play a major role in it. Hazare alleged that Parliamentary Standing Committee chairman Abhishek Manu Singhvi insulted Parliament by not taking into cognisance the resolution passed by the House.
"Out of the three issues -- inclusion of lower bureaucracy, Citizens' Charter and state Lokayuktas, two of them have not been accepted. If a Standing Committee Chairman ignores Parliament's resolution, what is the future of our democracy," Hazare said in the letter. "The Standing Committee report (on Lokpal) is a betrayal of the countrymen," he said.
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